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Echo - SB-E24
Mobile 5G MANET Bridge Gateway

The ShadowBox Echo is a cutting-edge tactical 5G mobile MANET bridge Gateway. The Echo is designed to seamlessly integrate with third-party MANET radios, such as the MPU5, Silvus 4200 series, and Trellisware TW900 series. This innovative system will enable secure connectivity and bridging between local and global networks, including other ShadowBox products like the TAK Server Suite available on the ShadowBox Alpha and Delta platforms. Furthermore, the Echo can serve as a integral node for a red Multi-Network Bridges(Red MNB). Upholding the core ShadowBox design principles, the Echo will feature self-sustaining power capabilities, a compact form factor, and exceptional user-friendliness. For further details, please Contact ShadowBox Solutions.

Tactical MANET network bridging and Red Multi-bridge Neworking (MNB) in a compact self-powered, self-managed system.

MANET Networking Bridge Gateway

  • Radio imbedded securely in the system

  • Enterprise class 5G networking router

  • Supports network bridging for 3rd party hardware and applications

  • Onboard battery backup

  • Powered by common 5v USB-C

  • “One touch” power up

  • Imbedded display and  management console

  • Rugged compact sized travel case

  • Integrated antenna storage

  • Automated thermal management

Interoperable Situational Awarensss

  • Supports MPU5, TW900 series, Silvus 4200 series radios internally (configured on order).

  • Supports external connection from manpack radios and other systems

  • Enables Red Multi-bridge Networking (Red MNB)

  • Provides turnkey radio bridging to extend networks globally

  • Supports bridging and backhaul of ISR feeds from air to ground

  • Data is encrypted type 3 / AES256

No more taping a battery pack and Chinese router to your MANET radio!  The ShadowBox Echo is the RIGHT answer.

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